Exaggerated, fantastic or extraordinary. “Rocambolesque” means fantastic, extraordinary or exaggerated and comes from Rocambole, a character of French popular literature of the nineteenth century.
It is common to use the term “rocambolesque” to refer to a fact that has happened in an unlikely way or as an adventure that is hardly credible.
Playing with all kinds of textures, volumes, fabrics, and colors, AW20 Rocambolesque wants the Rita woman to express herself without limits, with the freedom that features her, with extravagant combinations, creating fancy looks, always comfortable and with the special touch of current trends. The era of expression begins without limits and no complexes. Welcome to Rocambolesque.
Everything we design, we do it thinking of the women who inspire us. Rita likes comfort, quality, and unique clothing. She is a modern, hard-working, sensitive to details, and free woman.